(Singapore) Infocomm: Enjoying a Digital Lifestyle Competition - Stand to win an iPad
How to win : Have you ever wondered how Infocomm can enrich your daily life - be it checking out the cheapest carpark in the vicinity, event happenings at nearby malls or routes with the lowest ERP?
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is organizing a competition, supported by
National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and National Library Board (NLB), to find out what you want to know and learn, and how we can use Infocomm to enrich your life in these five areas: Health, Career, Family, Social and Leisure.
Through this competition, we hope to address your needs through our future public infocomm engagement programmes that aim to enrich your daily life.
This is a wonderful opportunity for you to share your questions to help us best understand what you need and stand a chance to win an iPAD!
All you have to do is to send in what you would like to find out and what you want to learn relating to the above 5 areas of life.
Click for info: http://uportal.ntuc.org.sg/wps/portal/umemberseventdetail?contenttitle=Tell+us+how+Infocomm+can+enhance+your+lifestyle+and+stand+a+chance+to+win+an+iPad!&contentname=eb54280043e367fd8affefb15afeb8ea&keywords=NTUC,U%20Portal,Infocomm%20Development%20Authority%20of%20Singapore%20%28IDA%29&?contenttitle=Tell+us+how+Infocomm+can+enhance+your+lifestyle+and+stand+a+chance+to+win+an+iPad!&contentname=eb54280043e367fd8affefb15afeb8ea&keywords=NTUC,U%20Portal,Infocomm%20Development%20Authority%20of%20Singapore%20%28IDA%29&WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/u_portal_content/steumembers/staevents/eb54280043e367fd8affefb15afeb8eaClick to submit your idea : https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&pli=1&formkey=dFE0bFhxU0tUTEZSOTNMbVVkZHJJRGc6MQ#gid=0
Prize: an iPad
Deadline: 18 November 2010
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