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Friday, November 20, 2009

Coke Zero Avatar Promotion with 7 Eleven - Win movie preview tickets to watch Avatar in 3D!

Type of contest: SMS and Win

How to win :

- Spend a minimum of S$3.00 on any Coke Zero and/or Coke (“Participating Products”) in a single receipt at any 7-Eleven outlets.

-For purchases made at 7-Eleven outlets, check the original receipt (“Proof of Purchase”) for a Receipt No. that starts with “T#” (“Receipt No.”) found on bottom right hand corner of the receipt (e.g. T#65427)

- For purchases made at Shell Petrol Stations, check the original receipt (“Proof of Purchase”) for a Receipt No. that starts with “1-” (“Receipt No.”) found on the top portion of the receipt (e.g. 1-481223)

- Submit the Receipt No. via SMS to 77877 within the same day as the purchase, in the following order to qualify as an entry ( “Entry”) for a Daily Draw

CCZDate of Purchase [DDMMYY]Date of Birth [DDMMYY]receipt no.Name (as in NRIC) to 77877

Example01: “CCZ,191109,180384,T#18935,Roger Tan”
Example02: “CCZ,191109, 180384,1-481223,Roger Tan”

Click to participate:

There will be 3 prizes to be given away in each Daily Draw, making it a total of 84 prizes to be won in the Promotion.

The first 3 valid Entries drawn will each win a pair of movie preview tickets to watch James Cameron’s “Avatar” in 3D on 16 December, 7.15pm at The Cathay, Hall 3.

Deadline: 8 December 2009


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