TAFEP Exemplary Employer Award
Presented by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP), the TAFEP Exemplary Employer Award recognises exemplary organisations that have effectively implemented progressive and fair employment practices. By recognising and showcasing these exemplary employers, TAFEP hopes to inspire other organisations to adopt fair and merit-based employment practices.Reflecting and leveraging TAFEP’s unique tripartite set-up, the TAFEP Exemplary Employer Award incorporates participation from employer representatives, employee representatives and union leaders, as well as government officials, making it the Award that counts.
First requiring nomination from employees or union leaders, the Award programme is open to all Singapore-based organisations who have signed the Employers’ Pledge of Fair Employment Practices. Nominated employers will then be assessed by the tripartite judging panel. Join us as we celebrate the advancement of fair employment practices in Singapore. Nominate your organisation for the TAFEP Exemplary Employer Award today.
No prize for nominater, but the employer can win the following:
a) Presented with an Award trophy;
b) Offered the opportunity to be featured in publications and newsletters; and
c) Invited to network with thought leaders and business leaders to share their exemplary practices at future events
Deadline: 16 November 2009
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